FBI Competitions

Heavy Hydrometer

Heavy Hydrometer is an annual, club-only competition and social event focused on high alcohol beers.

  1. Entries are to be two (2) 12 oz bottles.
  2. Entries must be over 1.070 OG.
  3. The expandable table below lists acceptable styles.
  4. Please provide labels for each bottle with the following information:
    1. (bottle label download:  https://www.bjcp.org/docs/SCP_BottleID.pdf)
    2. Name
    3. Email Address
    4. Style
  5. Limit 2 entries per person
  6. While it is not required before competition day, please email with entry info for planning purposes.
  7. Entries can be carried in the day of competition or dropped off at a coordinated time & location.
  8. Judging will be done in a Best of Show format.
  9. Winner will be announced at the event.
  10. Winner will be responsible for hosting the Heavy Hydrometer the following year.

Light Hydrometer

Light Hydrometer is an annual, club-only competition and social event focused on low alcohol beers. 

  1. Each club member is limited to one entry of any eligible BJCP category.
  2. The beer you enter must have an Original Gravity of 1.050 or below and an ABV of 5% or below.
  3.  The beer must fall into a BJCP category where the defined OG is predominantly 1.050 or below. For example, if a category has an OG range of 1.045-1.052 it was considered eligible. If a category has an OG range of 1.045-1.060 it was not considered eligible. The BJCP category also must have an ABV range predominantly 5% or below. See the expanding list of eligible categories below.
  4. Please provide labels for each bottle with the following information:
  5. Limit 2 entries per person
  6. While it is not required before competition day, please email with entry info for planning purposes.
  7. Entries can be carried in the day of competition or dropped off at a coordinated time & location.
  8. Judging will be done in a Best of Show format.
  9. Winner will be announced at the event.