• $30 for a Single member
  • $40 for Family membership. (Includes the Member+1 additional legal family member)
  • Membership dues help purchase insurance to provide the club and its members limited legal protection. Dues also pay for special events, attendance at beer festivals, meeting expenses, website hosting, etc.
  • The membership year for FBI starts on January 1st.  If joining after January 1, the dues are prorated after June 1st for the balance of the calendar year.



  1.  Download And Print The Foam Blowers Club Application ABOVE. 
  2.  Print the application and fill out completely, especially your email, as this is our primary means of communication.
  3. All applicants must read and SIGN the statement on the application certifying that they agree to these terms. (Unsigned applications will NOT be accepted.)
  4.  Submit your completed form via mail to: Foam Blowers of Indiana, Attn: Lisa Fane, 8719 Redditch Dr, Avon, IN 46123 or scan and email to:
  5. Submit payment by Check or electronic payment
    • CHECKS can be mailed with your application. Make checks payable to “Foam Blowers of Indiana, Inc”  (Not to Treasurer)
    • ELECTRONIC PAYMENT can be made through Zelle or PayPal. Send your payment to 
      • Be sure to include your name, email address, or phone number in the Memo section when submitting an electronic payment.
      • IMPORTANT:  If using PayPal, please include the PayPal fees to your payment, $.96 for individual, $1.20 for family.